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Useful tips

We have some useful tips that could help you save money and time.

Here are some useful tips for you and your family that can help save money and time.

The rewards could benefit you for many years to come.

Give yourself a financial detox

Usually the beginning of the year is a time when many people seek a "new you" in terms of improved fitness and diet - so why not try a financial makeover at any time of the year by starting with better money habits and a debt detox.

There is little anyone can do as the world is now in recession, but try and put our finances in the best possible shape to improve our chances of surviving whatever the credit crisis throws at us.

Here are our top tips:

  • Start a regular savings scheme
  • Take precautions against identity theft
  • Draw up a proper budget - and stick to it
  • Reduce your mortgage debt
  • Get risk-free, tax-free returns from a cash ISA
  • Use your child trust fund
  • Check your utility suppliers
  • Check your bank and credit card statements
  • Check your pension arrangements
  • Protect your income
  • Write or check your will
  • Get the best insurance deals

By taking care of your finances will brings peace of mind… call us now.